Python Part 10: Exception Handling in Python

Python Part 10: Exception Handling in Python

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Exception Handling in Python

In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of Exception Handling In Python and provide examples of how they are used in Python programming.

Exception handling is an essential aspect of Python programming that allows developers to handle and manage errors gracefully. By incorporating exception handling techniques into your code, you can anticipate and handle unexpected situations, ensuring the smooth execution of your programs. This article will provide a detailed overview of exception handling in Python, and providing comprehensive example with code and output.

When writing code, it is crucial to account for potential errors and exceptions that may occur during program execution. Exception handling provides a mechanism to detect, handle, and recover from errors, ensuring that your program doesn’t crash abruptly. By implementing exception handling, you can enhance the robustness, reliability, and maintainability of your code.

Exception Handling Syntax In Python

In Python, exception handling is achieved through the use of four main keywords: try, except, else, and finally.

The try block is where you place the code that might raise an exception. It is followed by one or more except blocks, which specify the type of exception to catch and handle. The else block is optional and executed if no exceptions occur in the try block. The finally block, also optional, is executed regardless of whether an exception occurred or not.

    # Code that might raise an exception
except ExceptionType1:
    # Handling code for ExceptionType1
except ExceptionType2:
    # Handling code for ExceptionType2
    # Code to be executed if no exceptions occur
    # Code to be executed regardless of exceptions

Common Exception Types

Python provides a wide range of built-in exception types to handle various errors. Some commonly used exception types include:

TypeError: Raised when an operation or function is applied to an object of an inappropriate type.
ValueError: Raised when a function receives an argument of the correct type but an inappropriate value.
FileNotFoundError: Raised when a file or directory is requested but cannot be found.
IndexError: Raised when a sequence subscript is out of range.
KeyError: Raised when a dictionary key is not found.
ZeroDivisionError: Raised when attempting to divide a number by zero.

Best Practices for Exception Handling

  • Be specific with exception types: Catch specific exception types rather than using a generic except block. This allows you to handle different exceptions differently.
  • Use multiple except blocks: If you anticipate multiple types of exceptions, use separate except blocks for each type. This enables you to provide specialized handling for each exception.
  • Avoid bare except statements: Using a bare except statement without specifying the exception type is generally discouraged as it can mask errors and make debugging difficult.
  • Include informative error messages: When handling exceptions, provide meaningful error messages that help identify the cause of the error and guide users in resolving the issue.
  • Utilize the else and finally blocks: Use the else block to include code that should execute only if no exceptions occur. The finally block is useful for cleanup tasks, such as closing files or releasing resources, regardless of exceptions.


    dividend = int(input("Enter the dividend: "))
    divisor = int(input("Enter the divisor: "))
    result = dividend / divisor
    print("Result:", result)
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero!")


Enter the dividend: 10
Enter the divisor: 0
Error: Cannot divide

In this example, we first prompt the user to enter the dividend and divisor. Then, inside the try block, we perform the division and store the result in the result variable. If a ZeroDivisionError occurs, indicating that the divisor is zero, we catch the exception in the except block and display an appropriate error message.

Rethrowing an Exception

def divide_numbers(dividend, divisor):
        result = dividend / divisor
        print("Result:", result)
    except ZeroDivisionError as error:
        print("Error: Cannot divide by zero!")
        raise error

    divide_numbers(10, 0)
except ZeroDivisionError as error:
    print("Caught exception:", error)


Error: Cannot divide by zero!
Caught exception: division by zero

In this example, the divide_numbers function attempts to perform the division operation within the try block. If a ZeroDivisionError occurs, we handle it by printing an appropriate error message and then re-raise the same exception using the raise statement. Outside the function, we catch the rethrown ZeroDivisionError exception and print the caught exception.

Using a finally Block

def divide_numbers(dividend, divisor):
        result = dividend / divisor
        print("Result:", result)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("Error: Cannot divide by zero!")
        print("Finally block executed.")

divide_numbers(10, 2)


Result: 5.0
Finally block executed.

In this example, the divide_numbers function attempts to perform the division operation within the try block. If a ZeroDivisionError occurs, we handle it by printing an appropriate error message. The finally block is always executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. In this case, we simply print a message indicating that the finally block has been executed.

Else block in exception

def divide_numbers(dividend, divisor):
        result = dividend / divisor
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("Error: Cannot divide by zero!")
        print("Division successful. Result:", result)

divide_numbers(10, 2)


Division successful. Result: 5.0

In this example, the divide_numbers function attempts to perform the division operation within the try block. If a ZeroDivisionError occurs, we handle it by printing an appropriate error message in the except block. However, if no exception occurs, the code inside the else block is executed, indicating that the division was successful. In this case, we print the result of the division.

The else block is optional and executes only if no exceptions are raised in the try block. It is often used to contain code that should run only when the try block executes successfully.


Exception handling is a vital aspect of Python programming that allows you to handle errors and exceptions gracefully. By incorporating proper exception handling techniques into your code, you can improve the reliability and maintainability of your programs.

Python Beginner Tutorial Series

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