Go Part 9: Pointers in Go

Go Part 9: Pointers in Go

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Pointers in Go

In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of Pointers in Go and provide examples of how they are used in Go programming.

Pointers are a fundamental concept in Go programming that allow you to work with the memory addresses of variables. Understanding pointers is crucial for writing efficient and flexible code in Go. This article provides a comprehensive guide to pointers in Go, explaining their concepts, usage, and benefits. Alongside detailed explanations, we’ll provide example code and outputs to illustrate their practical application. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Pointers

In Go, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. By using pointers, you can directly manipulate the value of the variable it points to. Pointers provide a way to share and modify data efficiently.

Declaring and Initializing Pointers

To declare a pointer variable, you use the asterisk (*) symbol followed by the type of the variable it points to. Here’s an example that declares a pointer to an integer:

var ptr *int

In the above code, we declare a pointer ptr that points to an integer. However, at this point, the pointer is uninitialized, and it doesn’t point to any specific memory address.

To initialize a pointer with the address of a variable, you use the address-of operator (&). Here’s an example:

num := 42
ptr := &num

In the above code, we declare an integer variable num and initialize it with the value 42. Then, we declare a pointer ptr and assign it the memory address of num using the address-of operator.

Dereferencing Pointers

To access the value stored at a memory address pointed to by a pointer, you use the dereference operator (*). Here’s an example:

num := 42
ptr := &num

In the above code, we dereference the pointer ptr using *ptr to obtain the value stored at the memory address it points to. When we print *ptr, it will output the value 42.

Modifying Pointed Values

Pointers allow you to modify the value of the variable they point to. You can assign a new value directly through the pointer. Here’s an example:

num := 42
ptr := &num
*ptr = 99

In the above code, we modify the value of num by assigning 99 through the pointer ptr. When we print num, it will output 99, reflecting the modified value.

Passing Pointers to Functions

Pointers are commonly used to pass variables by reference to functions, allowing the function to modify the original variable. Here’s an example:

package main

import "fmt"
 func modifyValue(ptr *int) {
    *ptr = 99

func main() {
    num := 42



In the above code, we define a function modifyValue that takes a pointer to an integer as a parameter. Inside the function, we dereference the pointer and assign a new value to modify the original variable. By passing the address of num to modifyValue, we can update num in the main function.


package main

import "fmt"

func modifyValue(ptr *int) {
	*ptr = 99

func main() {
	num := 42
	ptr := &num

	fmt.Println("Value of num:", num)
	fmt.Println("Address of num:", ptr)
	fmt.Println("Value pointed by ptr:", *ptr)

	*ptr = 100
	fmt.Println("Updated value of num:", num)

	fmt.Println("Value after modification:", num)


Value of num: 42
Address of num: 0xc000022050
Value pointed by ptr: 42
Updated value of num: 100
Value after modification: 99

In this example, we declare a function modifyValue that takes a pointer to an integer as a parameter. Inside the function, we dereference the pointer using *ptr and assign a new value to modify the original variable.

In the main function, we declare an integer variable num and initialize it with the value 42. Then, we declare a pointer ptr and assign it the memory address of num using the address-of operator &. We print the initial values and addresses of num and ptr.

Next, we modify the value of num by assigning 100 through the pointer ptr, demonstrating how to modify the value pointed to by the pointer.

Finally, we call the modifyValue function and pass the pointer ptr as an argument. Inside the function, we modify the value using the pointer, and the change is reflected in the main function when we print the updated value of num.


Pointers are a powerful tool in Go that allows you to work with memory addresses and efficiently modify data. They enable sharing and manipulating data across different scopes, improving performance and memory usage. By understanding the concepts and usage of pointers, you can write more efficient and flexible code in Go.

Remember to use pointers responsibly, as incorrect usage can lead to memory-related issues such as segmentation faults and memory leaks. With proper understanding and careful

Go Beginner Tutorial Series

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